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We are Dominican Institution registered in the USA/Dominican Republic, and we work for our Dominican-Haitian communities, for more than 20 years, we know what they need and where to take you to get the most unforgettable experience you need and your prospects.
The Dominican Republic is a developing country facing the ongoing struggles of poverty. As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to work in Dominican-Haitian communities where SAS/Guanin Center has projects. This is the difference us and other organizations, we are part of the community of La Piedra, 30 minutes North East of the international Airport.
We make a difference to the lives of hundreds of underprivileged children and families. Your efforts will focus on education, community development learning outreach services, My Roof project (building houses for community infrastructure in rural areas.

When you come to the Dominican Republic, come with an open mind. Come ready to enjoy yourself among a people who have a world-renowned reputation for being sincerely warm-hearted, open and friendly. But do remember that this is a "developing world." The majority of the people here are not middle class, like they are in the U.S., Canada and Europe. There is a small Dominican middle class, a very small upper class, and a vastly huge class of poor people. You will definitely see some things here and have some experiences here that are very different from "back home."
As you volunteer in the Dominican Republic, your heart will be touched by the passion and spirit of the local people, many of whom have very little. Give of yourself to help improve their quality of life through community building and children’s programs, including arts & crafts, music, recreation and health education. Devote your time to enriching the lives of children and families in rural communities who have little access to quality education and employment.
Get in Touch
Centro Comunal la Piedra, Municipality of Guerra, DR.
guanin@guanin.org / Tel. 1 829-875-4599